Friday, 19 October 2007

Peach, Raspberry and Almond Tart

I love peaches. Always eat them fresh. Never ever cooked with them.
But then I saw Fruit of the Month is Peaches.
So this Is my entry for the AFAM-October hosted by Manasi Desai of Fun and Food

I have been searching for fresh peaches to make this wonderful Tart. But in Vain the season for peaches are long gone here. I even went to three different supermarkets, still coudn't find them fresh. In the end i decided to do with tinned peaches.

But for sure next year in summer I am going to make this tart again with fresh peaches.
I like the tart but my husband loved it. He even said oh!!! you can't buy this in a cake shop.They never have them like this.
He even said it was so nice that I should have done it for sunday afternoon coffee. But hey i was impatient coudn't wait till sunday.
It was a delicate tart combinig fresh summer fruits ( even though the summer is long gone) with almonds.

Few of the ingridients. I used reday made pastry

All ready to go to the oven

This is how it was looking straight out of the oven

Here is my peach dessert

grated zest and juice of 1 large orange
1 tbsp caster sugar
6 peaches, peeled and cut into slices
150gm Raspberries
25 cm dessert pastry tart shell, blind-baked ( I used ready made pastry)

For the Frangipane
white of 2 large eggs
90 gm sugar
90g ground almonds
3 tbsp Amaretto or light rum

To serve
Whipp 200 ml cream with 1 tbsp of vanilla essence and 2 tbsp of icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas 3.
Add the orange zest and juice to the caster sugar in a small pan and bring to the boil.
Place the peaches and raspberries in a bowl, pour in the hot orange syrup and set aside.

To make the frangipane, whisk the egg white until stiff, then fold in the sugar, ground almonds and Amaretto or rum.
Fold the peach mixture into the frangipane and pour into the tart shell.
Bake the tart in the oven at 170c for 40 minutes.

Serve warm with a generous spoonful of Whipped Cream and a dusting of icing sugar.


Raks said...

This recipe is new to me..Thanx for sharing and great entries too..!!

Swaruchy said...

Hi dear...Excellent.........awesome dessert :-)
I want a bite...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Mansi said...

hey HC, this is so so so good!! and thanks so much for participating in the event!! the raspberry/peach combo is deadly, I must say:) and I'm grateful that you took the effort to make something with canned peaches!! I know the season is over at some places, but efforts like yours deserve a special applaud:)

FH said...

Very delicious! No wonder your hubby loved it. I need to buy some Rum now, Gin is no use in desserts!:D

Rajitha said...

when i looked at the desert i could see some pink peeking is the raspberry!!...yumm..the tart looks so good..

DK said...

Luks yummy! will give it a try :)

Namratha said...

I don't like peaches Happy but your tart looks awesome!! Love the combo of peaches and raspberries..great!:)

Finla said...

Raks Thankyou. Happy to sgare as always :-)

Srisha kilambi Thanks........... you may have a huge bite

Manasi Desai I had a lot of fun in joining the event. It is always a pleasure.Because of the events i am trying new things which i would not have done otherwise, so thankx to the event

Asha You BOOSING one :-)) True gin is no good in desserts. So next time be sure to buy rum and that u can use in lot of drinks too :-))) yum yum

Rajitha Thankx The red inbetween were so goof looking.

Divya let me know how it waw when you make them

Namratha You don't like peaches. I love them. But then i am sure i don't like a fruit or something else that you love. Yeah the combo was really good

Dori said...

This looks very good...It must have been nice to get such a reaction from your husband :)

Abby said...

What a beautiful tart! I love peaches and raspberries.

As for making the pecan-honey chicken breasts - I don't see why not. Just pound them so they aren't too thick and adjust your cooking time, would be my guess!

Kribha said...

I love peaches but don't know to cook anything with it. Still looking for a recipe to cook for the event. Hope I make it. Yours look lovely. Where do guys find such nice recipes? Truly good. Step by step pics are great. Yum.:))

Laavanya said...

That tart looks so exotic and wonderful. Frangipane sounds so good... :)

FH said...

Saw the photos! She is so beautiful.

Here is Trish in a concert too two yrs ago.

Rina said...

Luv your Tart Happy, Wonderful entry.. Thanx for the recipe.

Unknown said...

Thatz lovely. Thanx for sharing.

Finla said...

Meeso Yeah it is true but then when it is not nice he tell me that too. He is the best critic person i have when i make something as i know he will be honest.

Abby Thankx. And thankyou for leaving a reply about the chicken dish. When i make it i will let you know.

Kribha. Thankyou. Yeah i was searching and searching for hetting fresh peaches but in vain. I got the recipe from a book in the library here. They have this book with desserts with almost all the fruits.

Lavanyaa thankyou. I have a another fragipane dessert with pears.

Asha Thankx. Your daughter is beautiful too. I went and checked your post i was very touched when i read it. Maybe because of seeing the wedding pic

Rina It was my pleaésure

Pushpa Thankyou

Retno Prihadana said...

Looks so good and refreshing with peach!

bee said...

this is a beautiful creation with peaches. thanks fo the recipe.

Viji said...

With peach, RB and almonds - who can resist having it HC. Very nice. Viji

Daily Meals said...

Looks delicious and great entry.

Finla said...

Retno... it was indeed very refreshing

Bee thankyou very much.

Vcuisine Yeah i know it is a great combo

Daily meals thankyou

KellytheCulinarian said...

That looks delicious!

Seena said...

Nice dish Happy, Enjoy!

Bharathy said...

Great thing you guys get peaches,at least canned,ones where you reside..
I am left with no chances to get them here..:)
Nice combo of fruits..I can smell that Tart from here..drooling..:)

Lissie said...

happy, what a great entry! it looks soo delicious... i love peaches!

Padma said...

All in one shot, great entry for AFAM

Bong Mom said...

Wow this is awesome....great dessert

Finla said...

Kelly Mahoney Thank you

Seena Thankx

Bharathy Yeah it is indeed good that we get canned once atleast. But then when i see some of your dishes i am just drooling and drooling as i don't get most of the special indian veggies here.

Lissie i too love them.

Padma and Sandeepa Thankyou. Really apriciate your comments