I have been planning to post this for a while but never happened like my meme. So i thought I will do it both today.

Pumpkin, onion ,garlic.....

1250 gm Pumpkin
1 onion Chopped
2 l vegetable broth
500 gm Potato
1 leek chopped
2 to 3 garlic chopped
2 tbsp tomato paste
pepper to taste
200 ml cream
2 tbsp oil
Croutons for serving optional.
Heat the oil in a pan and add the onions and leeak when they are soft add the rest of the vegetables.
Fry them for few minutes and then add the vegetable brother and the tomatoe paste. Stir well and cook till the wegetables are done. ( I make always my soup in a pressure cooker)When it is cooke mix the soup with a blender.
Add the cream and serve hot
Mostly when i make soup i make them in huge quantities, so i put them in the freezer in portions.
Asha from Aroma had tagged me for What's in a name.
I had promised her I will do it in a week or two. But as you can see it took longer.
I was saying to my daughter that i was tagged by Asha and i didn't know what to write about myself and her reply was oh easy if it was me i can write a lot of things about myself. Kids they live in their own world.
So here it goes.
H : for Happy. The word say for itself. Most of the time i am happy. When i was in School one of our teacher used to call us ( my two elder sister and I ) lauging sisters ............so that says itself i am always (mostly) happy.
for Aroma. I love the aroma comming from my kitchen when i am cooking with Indian spices.
P for Patience. Idon't get easily provocated. But then when i get angry, you better move, because then there is fire!!!!!!!
P forPen. If i was using a pen i would have written much better ( NOT) but i am typing.
Y for Yawn I am sure most of you are yawing by now :-)
The rest if the name say for itself. COOK I am not a professional Cook, but i love to Cook.
Few of you already know my real name stars with F
So i thought I will use it too.F for Friendship.
For all the friends I have met in the last few months. After starting my blog i have met lot of friends here.
So thankyou to all of my Blogger firends.
Fantastic Four.I have also been tagged for fantastic four by few of you ... A
kitchen Scientis with a white rat hubby ,
Rak's Kitchen ,
Jeena's Kitchen so i guess it is high time i did that too.
I have read quiet a lot of Fantastic Four and every time i read about somone else fantastic four i used to say wow , don't think mine is a wow effect, but here it goes.....
4 place i've livedErnakulum ( Kerala-India). Lived there till i got married.
Belgium. Living here after marriage. In the same town.
So i guess 3rd and the 4th still have to come..........
4 Jobs I had.
Daughter. Beeing a good daugter, well most of the time
Sister. Beeing a good and bad younger sister.
Wife. Beeing a wife. Don't know if i am a good wife that you all should ask my Husband :-)
Mother . Beeing a Loving Mother to my 15 year old daughter.
4 places I've holidayed.Agra. When i saw Taj Mahal it was like a dream come true, i have always wanted to go there from the time when i was in school.
Murshidabad in North of Kolkatta. It was such a small village. But it was a beautiful town and so peace ful. We only stayed there for 2 days just on the way to a another place.
Egypt. We were there for 3 weeks and i loved it would love to go back there again.
London. What can u say about London. I love the place
4 favourite foodsRice and
Simple DalAny kind of
pasta dish.
Adda which my mom makes in banana leaf with coconut and jaggery
Masala Dosa with Coconut chutney and sambhar
4 places I would rather be.I don't know if i have a place i would rather be.I am happy here with my hubby and daughter. So as long as they are with me. I am happy.
4 people I would like to Tag.
I am tagging the people who have not done any Meme. Atleast i hope they have not done. I checked their blogs and i didn't see anything there. I might be wrong too.
TBC from The Budding Cook
Seena from Simple and Delicious
Meeso from My Humble Kitchen
Kribha from En Samayal Pakkam
All 4 of you girls are not obliged to do. If you like it you may :-) You can choose any of the Meme. You may also do both of them if you like, your choice...
whoooooo it is done :-))))))
Added after the few comments i had from all my blogging friends. Most of you wanted to know when my pic was taken which i had added in my profile.
It was taken this year for my b'day in May.
I thought i will add a pic with me any my lovely ( proud mother speaking :-)))daughter .
I might remove it after few days otherwise she might sat why i am adding her pic in my blog....
Daughter and I (picture removed)