I have posted this recipe before. Just made a slight difference this time added a bit of red colour :-) my excuse that then it is not the same .......
The chicken winges are delicious with a glass of beer or with juice etc........ I don't think it is that good with wine as the wings are so spicy that one might just gulp down the wine and what is the fun in that.
I got this beautiful persentation plate from one of our family frineds as a new years gift. When ever they give a present for me they give something connected to food as they know my passion for cooking.

1 kg chicken wings ( i always remove the skin)100 gm Kabab powder ( i used SRR chicken kabab powder)
1 egg
20 gm ginger garlic paste
Oil for deep frying
Mix all the ingridients and marinate for one hour.Heat the oil and deep fry and serve it hot.
Happy cook, these chicken wings look fantastic!
Please and expand & tell me more about this SRR kabab powder so that I can look for it in the market.
Also, are there alternative brands of this kabab powder?
Those wings are looking good...thanks for sending them over :-)
The wings look yummy. The red color looks great.
The wings look hot ;)
Where did you buy that serving plate with the cute bowls :)
Peter M I bought this spice pack from India. I will see if i can find a similar pack here in a another brand then i will write a comment in your blog
Sunita thankyou
Vimmi i just added the red colour in a whimp
Sowjanya I got them as a present, you can buy them from a shop called Oil and Vinegear. They have these wonderful things.
Happy, this is yumm.. I wish those chicken wings can fly to Toronto...
Not fair Happy Cook, you are tempting me to deep fry stuff, and I've been staying away from deep frying for a couple of week now... You evil woman... :)
thats fab!!! chicken wings looks tooo gud
your chicken wings are making my mouth water hapycook pic looks sooooooo temptinggggg
the min i saw ur plate i thought ..how cute..nice of ur friends to give u food related gifts :)
The wings look lovely and I can sense its spiciness too! that plate is a Lovely and thoughtful gift to receive!
Your serving plate looks lovely ;D
Man you have made me insanely hungry! I now have a craving for spicy chicken wings! Damn you! (LOL)
Ah, perfect for family who are visiting us next weekend. They're all mad on curry, so we can serve some of these for starters. Thank you!
Hmm delicious Happy, love the colour, I like chicken only when its spicy, they look gr8!
Happy cook, though I am a vegetarian but can still vouch for your dish!!
Looks great!!
Don't they look wonderful? Beer, please ;)
Sorry to hear abt your daughters accident.
Congrats for you award !! :)
and that chicken wing??!!!!that is really too much..
One of my favourite list I prefer to have form thattukada in Kerala!with all those spices,garlicky and red!..you are torturing me ;)
Yummy looking wings ! looks hot and spicy.
Ahhhh, wings & beer...sounds good to me :D
The chicken wings look so strumptious especially the color. By the way where can I get kabab powder. Will the Indian grocery store know this if I ask for it?
Those are some good looking wings. Gotta try this.
They look delicious!!!
Nice recipe..i like ur presentation also...5 senses amazing!!!
Now these look SO delicious Happy!!
I always come away feeling hungry after viewing your wonderful creations of food! :D
Rosie x
Mmmmmmm these look so nice happy. I bet you had sticky fingers eating these chicken wings. :-)
wow, the chicken wings look fantastic :)
Yummylicious...I love spicy...and like to add chili powder to my fried chicken too. I also like turmeric fried chicken...:)
I love hot wings! These look just great! Yum!
Rina hi hi. Well i too wish some of your dishes can fly to belgium ;-)
Sig you do have will power. I've been saying I am not going to make any fried food, but well as you can see i have no willpower to resist them
Remy and Sagari thankyou
Rajitha thankyou. Yeah they are indeed good friends from us
Rachel and Rakh's Kitchen thankyou
Cynthia Ha ha Try them you will love them they are just addictive
Aforkfullof... try them and let me know they will love it
Namratha and Sugar craft India thankyou
Maeyann Join the club i too love it with beer
Bharathy thankyou. Oh don't mention the thattukadda chicken. I can smell the curry leaves they add in it. Delicious
Pravs thankyou
Meeso Hi hi me to love them with beer
Icook4fun yeah the indian shops would have them.
Shops Gourment and Coffee and Vannila thankyou
Chitra thankyou.
Rosie thankyou. These wings indeed make every one hungry ;-)
Jeena yeah they did
Mandira thankyou
Rasa malaysia. Well now you have made me want fried chicken with turmeric
Jendez-Left over queen yeah here in my place all of us just love them
Cooking and the city thankyou
wow, that does look delicious HC!! and that plate you served it in is fantastic:)
i am sniffeling and snuffeling and nursing a cold and when I am like this I always want something spicy and "chutpatta" - u can imagine what ur chicken wings are doing to me!
I absolutely love spicy wings, yet I am still in search of what I would consider the perfect recipe. I will give yours a try, and maybe they will have that little something all the others have been missing.
Just before I started for the gym I saw your post. OMG ! I was tempted like crazy. I was afraid that if I stop to comment I would indulge in something that's not my diet. So, here I am after my workout and lunch. Although it's hard to resist drooling I can atleast bear the temptation. Looks fantastic HC.
HC - the chicken wings looks yummm. Perfect for a party snack.
Hi there, thanks for coming by my blog and for the kind words. These chicken wings look absolutely yummy!
oh i love this!! of course i would eat it with a big bowl of steamed rice ..hehehe with my hands hahahaha!!!
and of course a big glass of water..coz they look really spicy :-)
These look scrumptious Happy Cook - would be just the ticket for dinner tonight!
i love spicy food!! yummm....
hey there, just to tell you that i finally had a time to post the weird meme you tagged me :-), i had fun thanks
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