Not to mention how delicious it is. It was as they all are finished now.
How can it not be delicious, it has puff pastry, pears, nuts and CHOCOLATEFor sure I am going to make them again.............
This I am sending to Ragga of Singing Chef who in her own words I'm a singer and cook trapped in the body of an HR professional.She is hosting this month

This is my last post. Taking a break as my daughter is having her spring beak.Will be back after the first week of April.
During this period I have promised myself I am not going to take even a peek in any blogs :-)
And before I go I have to say I got this Lovely You make my Day Award from Ruth's Kitchen Experiments.
Thankyou Ruth I was overjoyed when i got it.

Normally I have to pass this to few fellow blogger, but I coudn't decide who all to give it. So this is for all my friends who visit me here and say such encouraging comments.
3 firm pears, peeled
400 ml water
Few ornage peels
1 tbsp Vanilla essence
1 bay leaf
50 gm sugar6 square sheets of puff pastry
40 gm real cacao powder5 tbsp cream
25 gm soft butter
50 gm walnuts chopped
1 egg
A bit of sugar to sprinkle
Half the pears and remove the middle and scopp a bit out from the middle.
Bring the water to boil in a pan abd add the orange peel, vanilla essence, sugar and bat leaf.
Bring it to boil and add the pears.
Boil them for 10 minutes in slow fire with a cover.
Now take the pears out and keep the sugar syrup aside ( remove the ornage peel and the bay leaf) Let the pear cool down.
Preheat the oven to 200°cNow take the pastrt sheets and cut them into pear shapes ( show in the pic).
Apply egg wash over tray.
Mix the butter ,sugar and the walnuts in a bowl.
Take a tsp of the filling and fill the holes of each pear.
Lay the pears the filled side down on the puff pastry.
Sprnikle with sugar.
Bake the tarts 15 to 20 minutes or untill it is golden brown.
In the mean time. Put the sugar syrup in a pan and cook in a high heat for 10 minutes.
Mix the cacao powder with 4 tbsp of cold water.
Add the mix to the sugar syrup and mix well.
Let the sauce get thick till you have 150 ml left
Now add the cream and mix it very well.
When the tart is baked, serve them with chocolate sauce poured over it.