Life is back to normal from today onwards.My daughters spring break is finished and she is back to school from today , so the daily routine have started, no more getting up late having breakfast in the irregular time and lunch etc......
Have to admit we had a excelent two weeks. Even though the weather here was really, really bad.
We went to London for four days which was wonderful. One of our friends asked me how was it in London and I replied to her we ate and drank and had a jolly good time :-)
Well we also went to Museums and lot of other touristical places....... also did shopping.
I did window shopping and my daughter did real shopping. I have to admit i bought few baking things from there.
Isn't it crazy i went to one of the most famous places and the main things i bought are for my cooking.
And talking about cooking, I made this kerala chick pea curry thanks to bee of Jugalbandi actually I made this before I went for the break but didn't had time to post it.
The kadal curry was really delicious. My hubby was extremley glad that I made a totally different chick pea dish, for the last 17 years I have been making the same one :-)
Bee had written, Her words......This recipe needs patience. The onions need to be cooked down for a while and caramelised to a deep brown on a medium-low flame. Likewise with the coconut. Don’t try to hurry this dish along.
It did take a bit of time to make it, but it is really woth all the time you spend on making it as it was DELICIOUS. I will be surley making it again soon.
I didn't change anything in the recipe except she used dessicated coconut I used fresh coconut.
Roasting the coconut

I remember when I had tooth pain when i was at home my mom giving cloves to me and asking me to chew on them. Don't ask me if it worked or not as I don't remember, I only remember the severe pain I had :-(
Also when I was in high school one of our sir was trying to stop smoking and he used to chew these cloves always. No idea if it worked.
Only thing I remember is we girls used to give him lots of cloves ( you know to please the teacher) which we used to take from our mom's kitchen.
I am sure all the moms were thinking to themselve are they using so much cloves as it was getting finished so fast.
Little did they know their daughters were taking it for giving to their favourite teacher :-)
hahaha. so you stole cloves to give to your teacher? naughty girls.
Happy Cook, thank you so much for your Think Spice entry! To be truthful, I have had this marked for some time and haven't yet made it. Your dish reminds me that I want to try. I love your stories about taking cloves to your teacher - that is very funny! Wonderful dish, again thank you!
yahoo!! you are finally back!! i haven't tasted this dish yet but anything with curry and anything that comes from your kitchen taste heavenly!! :-)
Bee yeah you know it is always nice to be in the good side of the teacher.
Gretchen noelle You should try them. It is really delicious and small when you roast the spices are just great. Thankyou for hosting the event
Dhanggit I am so pleased that you are so pleased :-) that I am back.
Yay your back! Sounds like you had a lovely time in London with your daughters. Your curry looks delish!
Happy, the curry looks wonderful I love spice & heat. Pass the naan please.
Glad to see you back Happy dear!
Hadn't noticed this curry yet, thanks for posting it.. :)
Maria thankyou. We had a wonderful time.
Peter Well actually we ate it with a kind of naan. Back at home we eat this dish with puttu
Seena thankyou. Well now that you hacve noticed you can try them too :-)
hey, nice to see ya back, so had a good short break :)
Delicious HC. and I am so glad u and ur kiddo had a blast during the spring break!
Glad to see you. Missed you. Great to know that u had a great time during your break. Kadala looks great. wonderful entry.
Good to see u back after your vacation.
I love kadala curry. My mom makes the best kadala curry ever! :-)
have seen in many blogs..but never tried before:))this post made me to tempting
Yum, looks great, nice to have you back...I use to chew on cloves to make my mouth feel a bit numb...but it tastes horrible :D
what a delecious looking curry ,gravy looks sooo goodd
welcome back HC:)...i love this kadala curry especially with puttu....urs is really delicious!!my alltime fav...and great clove story too!!!
Had a great time i guess :) Lucky pampered teacher. The curry look delish.
The curry looks lovely.....kadala curry with puttu is the best thing ever....
loved the story happy cook and missed you in the blog scene....hope you had a good break....gr8 entry.
it sounds like u had a great time in london.kadalacurry is my favourite with puttu..puttinu kadala curry ilenkil oru rasavumilla:)
Amazing curry and so glad to hear that u had a great time in london.
Was the weather kind enough and didnt spoil the fun?
HC..its nice to have you back!...and a nice dish...let me go back to check on the other things...hope you had a nice time...
and you were on mine while i was clicking yours...:D
Great to know that you enjoyed your trip...even I am going off for a week...super color of the dish
well I just went back to read the whole funny that you took cloves for your teacher!..hahah..I can imagine that!...actually it does give you relief..both for toothache and throat infections...
hi happy cook, we konkanis make a similar dish called "Ghasshi" using brown channa, and sometimes other veggies too, but the masala remains same, except we use shredded coconut. Your pic looks very nice, ..yesterday I made Ghashi using Lima beans , potato , it was good too:)
my dad is a denstist and he always recommended to use cloves when having tooth ache:) so glad to see u bk HC and back with a bang!
and girl, u shopped for what in London??? LOL... food bloggers;)!!!
Hi happy, oh it is great to have you back, I have misssed you! Sounds like you had a lovely time in London too :) Your curry looks awesome too!!
Rosie x
Great to see u come back.The curry looks delicious.Fun to read abt the cloves
hahaha.. that story behind the cloves is indeed funny!!! and the curry looks so delicious!!!! like you said, even I have just a couple of recipes w/ chana and I end up making the same dish everytime!!! Will try this kelara dish sometime....
Richa yeah it was a fun short break
Siri thankyou.
Meera u r so sweet to say that u missed me :-)
Hi hi TBC that is what i too say my mom makes the best kadala curry :-) but then most of us think our moms cook better than us
Dhivya do try, it is delicious
Meeso yeah i remember it tazsting nasty
Sagari thankyou
Ranji oh i love too with puttu, but i've never made puttu i always wait till i get to my mothers place to eat puttu
Cham thankyou
Jayashree i fully agree with you
Saswati we indeed had a wonderful time
Prajusha, kadala and putti is also my favourite combo, but till now i have not made puttu, always wait till i get home for having it.
Padmaja , the weather was much better than here, in london. The first day it rained but then the rest of the days it was ok. Just drizzeled sometimes. Still was not that good weather there too
Srivalli I am glad to be back. I knew about the toothache, but didn't know about the throat pain.
Easycraft have a nice break and come back with lots of delicious post :)
Roopa I should try once this famous Ghasshi. I have never made anything with limabeans.
Sia well my mom was correct in the giving me the cloves.
Yeah i just bought baking things which i don't get here like Treacle etc.... and then to my hubbies horror i buy lots of cadboury as we don't get it here .
Rosie thankyou, I am glad to be back. We indeed had lot of fun.
Kamala thankyou
Remya do try. It is really delicious and the aroma when you make it, is so good. Not to mentiong the taste. Thinking about it i am getting hungry now :-)
you curry looks yum.. we make a similar one named roopa said. i made black channa ghashi today:)
glad you're back, HC! good to hear that you had a fun trip. the kadala curry looks simply fantastic.
Cloves do work wonders for toothaches Happy,I still chew on them when my tooth hurts :) Glad to see u back, and my with what a curry....slurp!
First time here, curry looks so good. Very nice recipe!!
plz do visit @
Good to see that you are back. The kadala looks absolutely yummy. I have never made it with coconut, in my house it is puttu and kadala sans coconut. Will try this next time I make puttu. Thanks.
Nanditha Prabhu now i really have to make this famous ghashi, which i have been hearing from few bloggers
Uma I am glad to be back and thankyou
Namratha, well i will remember next time, but last time i had tooth pain was when i was a teenager and i do hope i won't have it anymore as it is horribly painfull
Madhavi thankyou fo visiting, will visit your place
I love puttu, but have never made them muself.
hey welcome back Happy Cook! Glad you had a nice break...
This looks delicious! I'll forgive your bit of thievery. :-) This one looks so comforting and good!
Happy Cook-
first time visitor to your blog- the kerala kadala curry looks great and is soemthing I've never heard of.
Hi Happy :)
I have tagged you for a Six Word Memoir :) I hope you don't mind!
Rosie x
cloves for the teacher...very different :D
the curry with puttu is heavenly!
I love spices and the curry looks wonderful.
Your curry look so tasty. For picture, I use adobe Photoshop, or you can find this one more easy here:
glad to hear that u had a great time in London.... your Kadala curry looks delicious!!!!
WOW....This curry looks YUM!.... SO good... Mouthwatering one.... Love it.....
Great job, Happy. The curry looks delicious. Lucky you for visiting London- it is one of my favorite cities. I lived there for a fairly long stretch while working for the Daily Telegraph on a journalism scholarship. I haven't been back in 10 years, but I long to.
Welcome back!
kadala curry puttu..yum! I make same way. Right, clove is good when you have tooth ache or mouth sore.
I love kadala curry but I've not done it in the authentic way before. Thanks for the recipe HC.
Love your receipe happy...I can't wait to try. So different dish full of flavour. Nice that u had a good vacation.
wow, that looks like a powerhouse of spices HC! must have tasted wonderful! authentic dishes do have a special feel to them na:)
thankU for kerala Traditional recipe.
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