While i was on the break I have been thinking what to send, so yesterday while my daughter was doing her school work I though why not take few wine glasses and fill them with different beans and legumes and take pictures.
Any thing better than doing the ironing. I hate to do ironing. For the last week it has been piling up as there is not end to the pile.............. I know i know can't put it off. I will have to start doing today (maybe)
So this is what i sending to this months

Gorgoeus phtos F, good one! I hate ironing too. Guess what I do to escape? I wet the the semi cotton clothes with water a bit, run the dry cycle for 2omins and take them out as soon as it stops and hang them in hangers!! Works most of time, 100% cotton is hard. Hahaha!
Asha you too hate doing it.
Hey it is a clever trick you are doing ;-)
WOW.... That was so creative and looks gorgeous. Loved the wine glasses. I to hate ironing cloths. Have to try Asha's tick...
I haven't ironed in years! haha I do what Asha does. Straight out of the dryer and onto hangers.
Beans always look so pretty in layers like that, don't they? :)
Sukanya ramkumar thankyou , yeah i too have to try asha's way
Maryann Aparently you ladies are more clevver with trick.
I love to see beans in layers. It is like doing coloured sands and then a candle in the middle
wooo..its pretty good in differant shapes of glassess..it so creative ...i just liked it a lot...good work
Wonderful pic....its so colorful and liked the idea of layering into the glass..
He he , i hate to do ironing, once my pile overflow i do it at once :) Love ur click through the wine glass
That pic looks good and very creative.
nice click,..by the time i end one pile another pile gets ready to be ironed...:-(
hey this is a neat idea!!love the lentil layers:)..
These are so cool - they look like big jars full of jelly beans.
I don't like ironing either. :D
My husband is actually ironing his clothes as I'm typing this out.;-)
wow...beans looks beautiful in those wine glasses. Wonderful creation.
i too ahte ironing clothes:)
You always have a good taste for photography. Looking great as ever...
ahaaa.. creative huh...
liked that click...
that was a lovely click, HC! Great entry. Reg. ironing, I never worried about it, because my hubby does all the ironing for me, he he!
Those beans look awesome in those glasses. Nice Click.
Nice pics.....me too absolutely HATE ironing.......I'll do anything to get away from it.
A beautiful click Happy Cook!!
Great photos, very creative!
PS I hate ironing too!
The pic looks gr8 and very creative.
Hey check out my blog,have something for you!!
that's really colorful!
Suma Rajesh and hetal thankyou
Cham mine sometimes go on over flowing.
Andhra flavours thankyou
Notyet 100 well atleast your old pile is gone then, mine id still there :-)
Ranji thankyou
Cake law jelly beans , ilove them
TBC you LUCKY girl
Prajusha i am surprised to hear how many of us hate ironing
Nithu thankyou
Swati raman thankyou
Uma your hubby iron too. Lucky, my sisters hubbies do them too, but then when i tell my hubby then he tells, better to give then to the wash shop if i don't like iorning, has to don't like it too
Ig thankyou
Jayashree me too, join the club of iron haters :-)
Swati thankyou
Ruth thankyou, hi hi you too hate it
Sireesha thankyou and will do the meme one of these days
Arunthadi thankyou
Thanks for visiting my blog:) Love your space and that snap. I had that in mind but laziness overcome me before I could assemble!
Oh this is a lovely click entry Happy!!
Rosie x
Beautiful combination of colour!
Pretty click Happy Cook and it's colourful too. I have a small bottle in my kitchen that is filled with dhal similarly :)
My husband irons his clothes too.. I did a rather sloppy job the one time I tried and he said he would do it after that :)
Cute bean layers Happy and good to see you're back!
Ladys since we all hate ironing why not stop doing it? :D
Sunshinemom, I am glad you were lazy, so now i've the pic :-)
Rosie and Retno thankyou
Lavany thankyou, I should have don't like you then :-)
Lore good idea, I will try it and see wht reaction i get from my hubby and daughter when they go wiht un irorned clothes
Love your BEANS! (I do just love beans too.)
Iron . . . I'm sure there are worse things . . . hope you're done by now.
Very nice combination and so good to have you back after the break!
WOW this looks awesome Rucha, wonderful pic and awesome presentation!!!
This looks so creative and catchy! Wonderful blog and recipes:)
LOL HC, i too hate ironing. but thankfully K does all the ironing;)
lovely click:)
Happy its good to see you again,and this is a great and innovative Pic for click ...
Hugs and smiles
That looks pretty good, and wonderful tip from Asha on ironing - should try that!
Love those layers Happy!! :)
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