Here at home we have bread twice a day.
For breakfast and for evening dinner.
I remember after getting married and comming here to live, and saw everybody eating bread for breakfast and for dinner, except on weekends, then we have bread in the afternoon and i make a cosy dinner so that we can open up a bottle of wine with the food.
So seeing here bread , I was like WHAT at home back in India we only ate bread when we were sick. I am talking about when i was at home, which was years, years, years a,d years ago. Now the eating habbits have changed there also.
Really the time when we had bread at home was when we were sick.
You should know that in India we always have warm food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
So when I rang home and told everybody that I am eating bread twice a day they were really sorry for me.
But I got used to it and I enjoy my different variety of bread. Especially if i make them at home.
Which I mostly do. Unless if it is holidays for my daughter, then I have no time to make bread as one is busy doing other things.
Have to admitt nothing beats home made bread.
When I make bread I always use spelt flour , more informations
If I use normal bread flour it is difficult for digestion for hubby dear, so years ago we changed to spelt flour .
The main reason I started making bread at home was this, as spelt bread was really difficult to get from the bakers and also very expensive. So making them at home was the solution if we wanted to have them. Now i think it is available everywere.

Long Spelt bread
Priay of
Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes tagged me to bake a bread for The Worldwide Blogger Bake off Challenge.
In my draft these bread have been there fro months, i had taken the pictures when i was making round and long shaped bread, so thought I will post them both for this good cause.
Breadline Africa is a South African-based charity that is seeking to put a lasting end to poverty South Africa (and further afield in Africa) by breaking the cycle of poverty and helping communities to achieve long-term self-sustainability. Breadline Africa was founded in 1993 when a group of community and social workers in South Africa (who had first-hand knowledge of the uniquely African problems that they faced) formed an alliance with like-minded colleagues in Europe (who were well-placed to source donations in valuable foreign currency). Armed with this unique combination of skills, Breadline Africa has been able to raise funds in Europe and use their local knowledge to identify which small, ground-level projects in Africa are most likely to succeed with a financial boost.

On Blog Action Day, Breadline Africa launched their Worldwide Blogger Bake-Off Campaign.. The aim is to raise $1 million in funds for a project to convert shipping containers into locations for food production and distribution in Africa. It is hoped that these sustainable community kitchens will not only provide food such as bread and soup to those in need, but also opportunities for skills development within poor communities. Bloggers can download the Blogger Bake off Widget n tag five other bloggers to do this challenging bake off..
Sending this to YeastSpotting. You should all do for a visit to Wild Yeast, there is such a huge variety of bread there.

Round Spelt bread

Now here is the recipe for splet bread.
I buy my splet flour from a farmers oraganosation shop. The recipe is written in their bags and I have been using this recipie from the start.
250 gm brown spelt flour
250 gm white spelt flour
7 gm yeast
320 ml water
15 gm butter
10 gm salt.
Mix all the ingridients and mix for 10 minutes untill you have a soft ball.
Put the dough in a bowl and cover with the cling film and keep in a warm place for 1 hour or untill it has doubled up.
Take the dough punch out a bit and shape into a ball and keep in a Greased and floured abread pan and leave the dough covered in a warm place for
another 50 minutes.
Preeat the oven to 200°c and bake for 50 minutes.
To check if the bread is baked you just have to knovh with you knuckle , it should sound hollow.
If you have a bread machine look to the instruction in the book and make them.