When I announced the I just thought I will postwhile I get the entries.
Now that I see how much wonderful gifts I received, I thought it would be a real shame not to post them as a round up and thank everybody who send me all these wonderful, Delicious goodies.
So thankyou to all my food bloger friends who send all these yummy delcious gifts.
Ofcourse If you coudn't send them this year, you can have inspiration from these gifts and send next year :-)
If I have missed adding some one just inform me through the coment section and I will add you.
Gayathri Gopinath of My Adigemane from San Diego, CA
Send these delicious Eggless Chocolate Cookies she meade cookies for the first time. And was impressed with its smoooooth texture and aroma. She took a small bite and felt as it melted down her throat......the way she describes makes me want few of them

Aparna of My Diverse Kitchenfrom Goa - India
Send these Candy Cane Cookies, Snowflake Cookies and Nutty Chocolate Fudge in those packets there is three variety of cookies, they are Nutty fudge bars, Candy Can cokies, Snowflake cookies she made them for her daughter friends, I do wish i was one of her daughters friend, then i would get them too.
Sarah of What Smell so Good from Oshawa, ON, Canada
Send these yumm Big Bluberry Muffins she made these for one of her school friends, wish i was that school friend alas I am not, so I am just going to sit and drool
Deeba of Passionate about baking from Gurgaon, North India
Send these yummy Herb Creamcheese Crackers with buckwheat, oatmeal & za'atar for Deeba it was like working in the Chemistry lab back in school, when mixing different solutions resulted in magical colours
Send this Cake Mix Cookies Here's an incredibly easy cookie recipe that she just tried for the first time the other day. These are so sweet and delicious,

Uma of Essence of Andhra from USA
Send thes cute and delciious looking Christmas Cupcakes sg-he made this for her daughter’s class for their fun-filled holiday tradition called ‘Secret Santa’,

Stef of Cup Cake Priject from St.Louis MO
Send these yummy Fudge Brownie cupcakes Fudge is the secret ingredient in both the cupcakes and the frosting. In fact, the fudge brownie cupcake frosting is simply fudge that has been melted and spread on top of the cupcake! Doesn't it sound DIVINE

Stef of Cup cake project from St.Louis MO
Send these yummy fudge i would love to just take those yummy fudge and pop in my mouth, wait till you see what she has made with them
Tara of Should you eat that? from Melbourne-Ausralia
Send these sugar and spice nuts, making these yummy nuts for her Christmas hampers. she had to put them in jars as soon as they had cooled because she & her mom couldn't stop themself from trying "just one more!"... needless to say they are delicious

Dell of Cooking and the City from Melbourne- Australia
Send these Gingerbread Muffins they are a favourite in her house and with friends. She often make a batch to put in Christmas hampers.
Sukanya of Sukanyas Musing from Singapore
Send this OATMEAL COOKIES IN A JIFFY i am sure all of us will agree this is a wonderful way to make cookies, why? simple you don't have to bake them.
Navita Hakim of Zaayeka from Hong Kong
Send this Easy Pancake Mix this is one of her cheats recipe, she makes these and everybody thinks she has been slaving in the kitchen to make them :-)
Navita Hakim of Zaayeka from Hong Kong
Send these Pop in Pakodas, She loves her moms pakodas but she had to make herself these as yeah she is married and living aways from mom.

Purva of Purva's Daawat from London - UK
Send this super moist and delicious Chocolate and Walnut browniesIf you want to know shortcuts to make bronies just hope over to her place.

Arfi of HomeMades from newzeland
Send this Delicious Fleu de sel macroons don't they just look gorgeous. Wish I had the courage to make these beautiful and delcious macroons. Well i can just sit here and drool.
Deepthi Shankar of Vegetable Platter
Send this Oat meal Cookies these cookies are one of the fastest & easiest to make. and a joy to eat these along with a HOT mug of coffee. This sounds really good to me

Mahima of Indian Vegetarian kitchen from Los Angles
Send these Dates and nuts fudge can you believe these delicious cuties are all natural, healthy, sugar free and guilt free, yeahhhhhhh that sounds indeed yummm
Chandani of Chai's Corner from Pitsburgh, PA
Send these delicious Christmas Cake thise dry fruits inside the cake looks like precious stones.
Send this delicious Quick Strawberry Jam These are so easy to make, so ladeis try to make these if you want to give someone special a home made jam which taste and looks delicious and they don't have to know it was easy, just tell them you slaved the whole day to make them

Deeba of Passionate about baking from Gurgaon, North India
Send this Nibbly Buckwheat Chocolate-chip Cookies I can imagine nibbling to these delicious and beautiful cookies, she didn't know buchwheat was available untill recently, apprently it is widley available in Indian in the name of 'kuttu ka aata', good that she discovered so we could have these delcious cookies.

This is my favourite home made gift i made till nowHome Made Vanilla Extract they were surprisinly so easy to make them abd don't have to pay a fortune and it makes a wonderful christmas gift

Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes from Paris-France
Send these Vegan choco - oats cookies, I am sure all of us will be delighted to see on any party tables as we can have double portions.

Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes from Paris-France
Send these yummy Brownie Cupcakes they looks so perfect and delcious, i am sure if it was me, it woudn't get to the person who i am giving this as a gift

Tara of Should you eat that? from Melbourne-Ausralia
Send this Peanut Butter Truffels, while making them shae had more than one and while she was rolling them in the crushed peanuts she really had to remind herself that it is midnight and she won't be able to sleep if she is on a chocolate high. I am sure even i would do the same.

DK of Culinary Bazaar from CA USA
Send this Christmas Popcorn this is not at all the normal popcorn they are christmasy ones with all the raisins, cherries , almonds etc.......eat these delicious popcorns, watching a Charles Dikkens movie

Bee & Jai of Jugalbandi from North Western U.S.
Send this Lavender oil Bee wanted to capture and preserve the aroma of lavender, just as Bri had captured the essence of roses in her Ecastatic Organic Rose Vanolaa icecream.
Send this Almond Coconut cookies, she says these cookies make a special treat. Not just for the holidays , baking them is so easy that you just have to mix up the ingredients, bake'em and have it ... whenever you like.

Purva of Purva's Daawat from London - UK
Send this berrilous Very berry surprious the Colombus within me wanted to cook Strawberry Cream, an exotic dessert

Bharathy of Spice Chilly from India
Send this Mexican wedding cookies she sayw they were real melt-in-the-mouth, perfect with a cup of hot tea. Looking to those snowy cookies I am certain they were indeed melt in the mouth.

Susan @ Food Blogga from San Diego, CA
send this Italian Pepper Biscuits these are the cookies made by her dad as her mom prefers when her dad does because he twists each cookie so uniformly. Seeing them I totally agree with her mom they all look perfect size.
Anne of Anne's Kitchen from UK
Send this Cherry topped coconut shortbread These are lovely, melt in your mouth biscuits but very fragile so package carefully
Swapna of Swapna's Cuisine from Kuwait
Send this super delicious looking home made Date Wine, don't you just love the colour her mom and aunt were the best wine makers in theirfamily....and she too have inherited some of their talent, wish i had some too

Ricki of Diet, Desert and Dogs from Toronto, Ontario
Send this Brandied Apricot-Ginger Spread it is my kind of spread, it is a smooth, glossy spread which will keep for more than a month in the refrigerator, why it is my kind as it has alcohol , there is quater cup of brandt in it.................
Aquadaze of Served with love from Singapore
Send this beautiful Christmad Stocking cake, for her baking is absolute passion, her husband is convinced she suffer from withdrawl symptoms if she let a week go by without baking.From this beautiful cake i would say indeed she must be baking a lot to come up with something so beautiful and delicious.

Roopa of My Kitchen Treats from Massachussets, USA
Send this Red Velvet Cake doesn't that slice a real beauty, looks so inviting and so festive. The colour of the cake just amazed her.

Susan @ Food Blogga from San Diego, CASend this yummy Peanut Butter Fudge this is her mom's fudge and it is thick and creamy without being overly sweet. There is no bakinginvilved and you can add any nuts, marshmellows etc...... and any way as we all know , moms recipe's are always a winner
Viji @ Vcusine from KuwaitSend this cute looking Cherry Blossoms can you imagine there is only 60gm of butter in it, I am sure going to make this. Viji says they just melt in your mouth cookies, the thought itself makes me want to make them.
Anudivya of ...and a little bit more... from Unites StatesSend this Low fat Almond and Oats Cookie - Eggless, she found this recipe when she was throwing away a plastic bag which previously contatined oat flour. Are we gald that she found it as now all of us can enjoy this healthy delicious cookie.

Jz of Tasty Treast MN, USA
Send this super delcious looking Cranberry-Pistachio Biscottis according to her these are lil cuties. And I totally agree with her. JZ gave us a hint how to enjoy these cuties.Snuggle up on a couch with a cup of hot cocoa and a few of these biscottis and trust me, you will be in heaven! Oh yes just reading them I am in heaven :-)

Jaya of Spice and Curry from India
Send this yummy kalakand wish i had few of those, her MIL was so full of praise for her kalakand and i am sure that says itself what a delicious kalakand it is.
Send this delicious looking Chocolate Chip Cookies bundle, She almost given up making cookies thinking they don't like her as it was always didn't turn out perfect, am I happy that she didn't give up, otherwise i would not have got these delicious cookies.
Sowmya of creative saga from Singapore
Send this cute little Thumbprint cookies she is overjoyed that these cookies turned out to be so perfect as the last time she made them, they were not. I myself am ovejoyed , that she send me this perfect cute and delcious looking cookies.

Soma Rathore of e.curry from Texas, USA
Send this beautiful looking Spiced Cranberry Raisin Bundt Cake when she saw the recipe and knew that this had to be it, Cranberries, Spices and all the Colors, Flavors & the Festivities of the season were all in it. I totally agree, i would love if some one gave me this cake as a gift. it is a reall joy in a bundt :-)
Maria of The Goddess's Kitchen from England
Send this ( I grabbed them, how can you resist not to :-)) Delicious Cranberry Jam she has mentioned in her place, this jam recipe the cranberry fruit does it all for you, due to its pectin-intensity, that it sets to jam once the berries have burst. I love this jam on toast or warm, buttery croissants or you could use it as a filling for Cranberry muffins/cupcakes.Using for the muffin filling, yeah that is indeed clever.

Cham of Spice-club from California (USA)
Send this Christmas Fruit cake , doesn't it look super moist , I love this cake as it only took 45 minutes to bake. I have not made my christmas cake till now, I think I am going to make this as it only takes 45 minutes.

Ramya of Pennin(g) mu Cooking from Pune -India
Send this Super delicious looking Banana litchi jam , I think that is a wonderful combitaion, imagine spreading them lavishly on to your toast.....

Deeba of Passionate about baking from Gurgaon, North India
Send this nutty delicious & healty Oat Walnut Wafers, the cookboof from whcih she got this recipie is Australian Heritage Cookbook and she knows it from page to page as she was reading them when her daughter was sick and she had to stay in.

Laavanya of Cookery Corner from USA
Send the Honey Roasted Almonds, she is trying to make her husband getting to like these delicious almonds. Well I am sure we all love these and we would be perfectly happy to have a bag of these. If her hubby doesn't like this, we will all have double the portions

Tara of Should you eat that? from Melbourne-Ausralia
Send this "drumroll" Home made Vanilla Essence. And she siad , it is REALLY simple to make ( i totally agree mine is in the drak corner in a shelf), you just split some vanilla beans and throw them in a bottle of vodka... leave it to brew for a few months in a coold, dark place and you have vanilla essence - a massive bottle of it!

Tara of Should you eat that from Melbourne, Australia
Another one of a delicious home made gift include is Cherry Jam, she makes them as her mom loves cherry jam ans she is also going to give them to her other family members, well i would personally love to get one of these pot of cherry jam

Tara of Should You Eat That? from Melbourne, Australia
She send this Christmas M&M Chocolate Chip Cookies, She used christmas M&M, What i like about this was, she made a bunch and then freezed the rest in balls so that she can make them later , so that she get the feeling christams last longer, now isn't that a wonderful idea.

Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes from Paris-France
Send this Vegan Rice Krispies Oatmeal Cookies which is made from with canola oil n applesauce and they are very very crispy, tasty n healthy.

Happy Cook ;-) of My Kitchen Treasure from Belgium
I loved making these delcicious Christmas cupcakes, with marzipan cane and having fun with all the colours. I think I should keep a box with me so when ever I feel a bit down, i just have to look to these colourfull cupcakes and I am sure I will feel colourfull myself.

Katie of Apple & Spice from UK
Send this Apple Date and Raisin Chutney. Katie says ,This is a lovely winter chutney, sweet and fruity but with a gentle warming glow from chilies and fresh ginger. It’s the perfect accompaniment to cheese and some good crusty bread but would work equally well with ham or a wedge of pork pie. You know ladies she has 4 jars of these cooling on then counter, woudn't we all love to have one.

Cakelaw of Laws of Kitchen fromMelbourne -Australia
Send this Delicious looking Golden Panforte.Wish i had a silice from it, she stillhave to slice and pack them, but i was too impatient, so I grabed them to have it here as everybody can enjoy the sight of this super delicious Panforte
Ivy of Kopiaste from Athens Greece
Send this delicious healthy Oatmeal chocolate pistachio cookies she send these delicious cookies to her friends in Crete. And if i say a whole bunch, I mean a whole bunch. You should check out her place she was baking these cookies like nothing to send for them. Wouldn't we all love to have a box of these delicious cookies.
Send this Rich Fruit Christmas Cake .
Her mom used to make this cake at Christmas and she always looked forward to it!!! She follow her tradition and every year it comes out well

Rosie of Rosie bakes a 'piece' of cake from England,UK
Send this Delicious looking Cranberry Almond Fudge and according to her , This fudge is a little sensation it’s so easy to make without the need for a sugar thermometer! Just a few combining of ingredients on the heat and of course stirring before being placed into a lined baking tin for chilling

Tracy of Rah Cha Chow from New York, USA
Send this Tripple dipped pretzels, doesn't it looks beautiful and colourfull, I wouldlove to have them in my basket and she had writen,Here's a fun, easy gift from the kitchen. I've made these for teacher gifts and used them in various gift containers. They are nice because they can add some height if you are doing an assortment of goodies in a basket or other container.
Send this yummy Hazelnut Snowballs, she says simple and easy cookies made with hazelnuts and rolled in powdered or confectioners sugar.Hazelnuts or Cob Nuts , it mightbe simple ,but it sure looks delicious to me and.
Natalie of Snookie doodle from Malta
She send this delicious Almond and date balls, they are llow in fat and low in sugar, a delight to have something light, especially during the holiday season. You would be surprised how easy these are to make.

Rosie of Rosie Bakes A 'Peace' of Cake from UK
made this Delicious Spicy Mocha MixIn Rosie's WordsHomemade gifts are a wonderful, thoughtful gift to give to family or friends at Christmas time. They are exclusively made for the person receiving the gift(s) and add that little extra treat of luxury you maybe unable to find in shop brought gifts.I am sure all of us would love to receive a wonderful Mocha Mix like this
In Maria's own wordsAnyone can buy a present from a shop, but if you want to go the extra mile, why not make something yourself? Homemade gifts make really thoughtful and often better value presents.I do agree with her, who woudn't want to have this cranberry -studded mince meat if i had them i would certanly make delicious mince pies from them.
Maria of The Goddess's Kitchen from England
Looks at these Christmas Spiced salt, don't those puink red pepers and chilies look like tiny emeralds.
Roma of Roma's Space from Banglaroe - India
She send this Brownie Bikkie ala Cikkie , that is what her lovely little one says when mom ask her what she want to bake. So this lovely blink pack with the brownies are for her the little one, wish I would open up that blinkie with all the brownies in it
Maria of The Goddess's Kitchen from England
She send this Cranberry and Apple Chutney woiudn't you love to have them too especially with you cheese sandwitches or cold meat.
Wishing all my Friends and MKT Readers
Very Merry Christmas and A Happy Newyear
What a great round up. hats off to you happy cook..thanks for the round up dear.
What an amazing array of entries!
Enjoy your break, dear F...wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year :-)
What a whole lot of goodies!!
Merry Chritmas & Happy New year to U!
Awesome round up of goodies.Wishing you a very happy vacation and HAPPY CHRISTMAS & VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Oh My !!! you are done with the round-up too. That was very fast!! Sorry I could not send anything! lovely looking gifts. have a wonderful Christmas!!
Happy holidays! Great round-up!
I will never again wonder what to make as a gift for the holidays! This is an incredible collection of very delicious-looking goodies. Thanks so much for rounding them all up in one place!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season! :)
Woww wat an awesome roundup HC...would love to get all these entries as gift for xmas, wonderful n delicious entries!!!!!!
Its great that you decided to do a round-up. This sure is a great collection of edible gifts! Just the looks make me want them all.... :-)
Enjoy ur break, HC!! Happy holidays!
Whoa..Awesome round up happy..:)
lovely roundup .. Have a good break .. see you soon
such a lovely round up!! love the way you have described all the entries:)
beautiful gifts..merry christmas!!
Amazing round up.Wishing you and your family merry christmas and a Happy new year
Thanks for a wonderful round up HC! Well organized. Enjoy your break! Happy holidays to you too!
What a lovely array of Christmas gifts you have collected here. I'd be happy receiving any of them! Happy Holidays!
Have a wonderful Christmas and joyous new year! See you in 2009.:)
Wow awesome entries. Gr8 RoundUp. Happy Holidays, Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Have fun. Enjoy :-)
So many lovely gifts and this was a lovely event.
NOw I'm waiting for my foodie gifts.:)
Have a lovely Christmas with the family and a very Happy New Year.
Take care.
This is a worth round up for a festive season we are in ..Good Job happy cook
great round up n happy hols ! :)
lovely roundup..so, you seem to be the one and only one with soo many goodies sent to you for christmas!! lucky you !!!
Awesome Round up.....all the goodies packed beautifully....
Enjoy ur Holidays....
Ho,ho,ho Santa was extra good with you. Lucky girl receiving all these wonderful gifts. Happy Holidays!!
Wonderful spread of gifts. Nice round - up....
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!
What a cute & delicious round-up that is. Happy Holidays!! :)
Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you too.
Lovely round-up.
Grt round up HC..Sorry I couldnt send..the comp hang up.and my hands tied..Bookmarked the page..I made your choco chip cookies..Hurray finally i got perfect cookies..Thank you so much!!!
What a delicious roundup! Thank you for all of your efforts, and happy holidays!
Awesome roundup!!! Very Merry Christmas!!! Enjoy.
OMG! What a Christmas treat!
Merry Christmas to you and the family!
That is a great treat HC. I went to a short vacation too, will be back tomor... Have a Great Holidays!
Thanks for the lovely round-up!
See you in Jan. and enjoy your break!
Merry X'mas!
wish you happy christmas and a new year ..
thanks for hosting such a lovely event.
hugs and smiles
Wow, this was really a great round up the post is overwhelming with thoughts.
I would also like to wish you Merry Christmas and wonderful ushering into new year 2009.
lovely round up... happy new year!
Great round up! wonderful and delicious entries HC!!!
Happy holidays!!!
Happy New Year, Happy! :-)
What an amazing round up. Happy Holidays and wishing you a happy new year. May all your dreams come true.
Thanks for a wonderful round-up... One of my goodies is missing its descrription though! The 8th picture down is a photo of my sugar & spice nuts, you can find them here... hope you had a beautiful christmas :)
What a fabulous round up- yummy treats:)
Wonderful round up. awesome entries all at a time... gr8 job. happy NewYear HC.
Wishing you Happy and prosperous New Year
Wish you a very Happy New year!
Happy New Year to you!
Oh my oh my! Thats a great round-up!
Happy New Year to You and your family!
Dear HC, wish you and family a fabulous 2009!
What a truely special event this one has been HC. A fantastic array under your roof...so many ideas & so much variety! It's been wonderful getting to know you. Hope the new year is filled with warmth, joy & much hapiness for you & your family. Love Deeba
Happy New Year, Vijaya!
What a wonderful roundup! Happy New Year to you and your family!
wish you a wonderful 2009!
Tara I have corrected my mistake, thankyou for pointing them.
Thankyou all for you warm wishes for the Newyear.
What a delightful roundup - I want it to be Christmas again!
What a gorgeous round-up! Great job!
A great round-up H.C. Oh I wish it was Christmas again!
Many thanks for hosting this great event :)
Rosie x
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