Ofcourse there is a lot of different ways to make this traditionam dish.
Mine is from Mrs Mathews book Flavours of the spice coast.
1/4 cup blacke eyed beans
2 cups water
2 cups pumpkin
1/2 coconut grated
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp chillie powder
2 to 3 green chillies ( optional)
3 garlic cloves
Salt to taste
For seasoning
2 tsp coconut oil
1 small onion choped finley
1 tsp mustard seeds
a few curry leaves
2 dry red chillies halved
2 tabsp coconut grated.
Cook and wash beans in 2 cuo water. Add the chopped pumpkin and cook.
Coarsley grin ingridient 4 to 7 and add to the coked vegetable. Mix well and add salt.
Heat oil in a pan, splutter mustard seeds.
Toss in the chopped onione, curry leaves dry chiliies.
Add grated coconut and saute untill the coconut is lightly browned.
Stir this seasoning into the curry and serve hot.
Sending this to which is hosted by Srivalli

ove black eye beans , but i've never had them this way before. Its a interesting new recipe and a must try for me !
Never heard of this but I have one of her books...I think it's called Flavours of the Spice Coast. I'm sure this was yummy!!!
hmmm, erissery! i once used to (not-like-so-much) almost everything legume-y, but now that I dont have the luxury to eat these traditional stuff on a whim, I have come to appreciate these a lot!!
Looks delicious, HC! I think my MIL prepares this with the plain brown beans (not the blackeyed ones).
Kate it is a very traditional recipie.If you like coconut, you will love this.
Passionate about baking I just edited the name, it is the same book, i just wrote it wroong.
Jz you didn't like legumes. Wow we almost had them everyday when i was at home.
yes,am familiar too..but seeing it again and again makes you feel for home..yummy yum.
Erissery looks YUMMO!!..i love this and make this often but not with black beans..will definitely try it out next time :)
I never heard of this dish before. It sounds so good, and looks so delicious.
I've never had this before but it looks amazing. Love the flavors!
Hey girl, into Indian cooking these days are you? Good for you. Erissery with blackeyed peas and coconut masala looks yummy. I made a rice with Blackeyed peas too, will post next week. I am bookmarking this, will try sometime.
Have a wonderful weekend. Planning to buy a dining room set with china cabinet tomorrow.Monday is off school for kids, got some appointments to keep too! :))
Kerala flavor who can forgot this coconut and pumking touch of errisery. Never tried at home but seeing the color I want to try right away. Beautiful Dish!
Simple and yummy.:)
Love it! Mrs M's recipes are so good, I think. Haven't tried much.. :)
That looks so cool! You come up with the neatest dishes!
looks absolutely wonderful. i think i have tasted this at friend's place...
ıts looks delicious ,l will try to do...
Completely new to me. Never heard the name either. Looks yummy....
Is it like a dal? I'd never heard of it but it looks and sounds delicious!
Thats one of my favourite! Looks delicious! ( Hey!! where did you get that mud pot?? )
i love black eyed beans .. lovely gravy it is
That looks so tempting.. i thought errisery usually had plantains in it... I always only make olan with this combination must try erissery sometime.
I had not heard this name but when i scrolled the recipe list,i could understand and know that it would certainly taste good and has nutrional value. Thanks for sharing it , dear.
i love spicy food especially curries. this is a must try :)
my absolute fav mallu dish. i just love it.
This is something new to me as I have not heard of it.. looks yummy and inviting..
Love this dish, its in my cooking list since long...need to try, urs pulling me to try soon..delicious dish...
lovely lovely..I was planning to make this as I have started posting Sadya Vibhavangal..loved that pot pan of urs.:)
yum yum yum...love erisseri..though i usually make it with raw bananas..
I have a lot of pumpkin to use up, will give this a try!
hey love the ingredients & prefect entry for the event too
love this dish...its a bit diffeent than the way we usually make....but will try this one definitely...thanks for the pic and recipe..
Happycook, pumpkin and chilis..never thought of that. Sounds delicious. Thanks for the great recipe.
we call this olan..good one..looks yumm..
Erissery looks divine,..:-)
Erissery is a yummy dish HC, love the color of it :)
I love eriseri! I have tasted in restaurant,but only thing is they have used white pumpkin,is there anything that the authentic recipe uses yellow pumpkin? I just love the coconut oil seasoning,that adds more flavor with curry leaves:)
Nice entry for the event!
Ann yeah i love them too . Taste of home.
Ranji it is the first time i make with black eyed beans as the recipe asked for this beans.
Elra as i wrote it is a traditioan dish from kerala.
Pam thankyou
Asha I am trying to make more indian vegetarian food atleast twice a week. Wow another new furniture for home, it is going to be like walking to a totally new place for you. Looking forward to your bean rice next week.
Cham you should try them as it is so yumm.
Suma thankyou
Seena my first cookingbook i bought was from her i think to learn cooking.
The blonde duch thankyou and you with wonderful writeup ;-)
Mahimma thankyou
Didem try them you will love it.
Kitchen felovours now you have, i am surprised you don't know this dish as it is really famous in kerala.
Malika it is not at all like dal. It is totally different.
Anusriram thankyou. I bought the pot from a cooking shop were they have lot of clay pots and pans from Spain.
Deesha thankyou
Lavanya the recie in Mrs M book was using pumpkin , i am sure they also use plantains.
Anamika it taste super yumm. Trt them.
Snooky doodle try them.
Bee i love them too.
shwini thankyou
Priya do try them you will love them. It is ddelicious.
Malli i am sure there is a hundred variety of making this dish.
Varsha thankyou, yeah i love my pot too.
Sara here now i have to really look for them as the season os finished. Do try.
Superchef, i am sure if i ask my mom she wil tell me she make them with bananas too :-)
Teresa now you can try the combo.
Preety thankyou
Sowmya, will checl out the olan and see if it is same. I am not that good with all these ttraditional dishes.
Notyet100 and LG thankyou
Raks kithcen, you can use this pumpkin too as in my book she write yellow ones. Yeah i love the taste of coconut oil, i have to be really stichy in using them as i dodn't get them here , so i bring from India or from london.
this is something new... would love to try some... btw, happy chinese new year!!!v :)
That's a lot of Malayali cooking here all of a sudden. Your porotas look perfect.
And now Erisseri. Yum.
My recipe is a bit different though.
Happy your computer is back.:)
This is new to me. Looks really delicious!
erissery is one of my fav kerala veg dishes and your pic looks great!!
Delicious, really sounds great, I have bookmarked!
wow... WOW. this looks so thick and yum. i love all of the ingredients in this soup. i've gotta try it. pumpkin- oh yum.
Errisery looks delicious...
nice series of photos for the traditional dish.
I think I have eaten errisery on my trip to Kerala.
errisery looks awesome....last term i ate this curry on onam..urs looks superb...
Love erissery, but I normally skip the beans :) And I love that book, it is my favorite Kerala cookbook.
Looks yum. I tried it first time when i made it for AFAM Pumpkin and loved it. I've made it several times after that. yours looks very yummy.
I've never tried this dish although I've always wanted to...
I too cooked a mutton curry from Mrs Mathew's Kerala Cooking...
The tumeric and and pumpkin are the obvious stars here...this would warm me in this cold evening.
Loved that name
Nice to see some authentic dishes HC..Never made this at home..I made ur choco chip cookies..Thank you so much finally I got a perfect one..Thank u HC
hi F, Erissery looks so yummy! you have served it in manchatti!!! thats awesome :))
I luv this dish..I had it once in my friends place and it was yummmmy..
This is a new one for me but it looks GREAT!
really book marked one.
black beans ! very very unique recipe. Thanks for sharing yaar...
I've never seen anything quite like it, looks delicious and packed with flavour!
Hi HC, those pics look lovely…one can almost smell the aroma of erissery! The recipe looks quite easy too. Cheers!
Nice to see a traditional recipe. Love Kerala recipes a lot. Looks so good. Will try it soon. YUM!
This is one of my least fav Kerala dishes. My husband likes it a lot though. I usually make erissery only during Onam and Vishu.:D
How you make my mouth water with that lovely erissery!! I know what we are having for lunch tomorrow - got to get some coconuts this evening! I try to avoid them and naughty girls like you break my resolution!! Thanks for sending this to FIC!
I love erissery!! great entry:-) love the pic and the vessel
Thank you for this lovely, lovely, recipe. I have to make this soon!
Thanks for the lovely entry F
I like all types of erissery.Made mathan erissery on vishu day..
Hi ur errisery is very tongue tickling and attractive. I am going to try making it.If you wish u can visit my blog and view my different recipes.
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