She makes them like I make coffee everyday, with such ease , variety of tastes , colours and filling you will see in her place.
I on the other hand only got to know about Macroons really good from her place, have seen them here in the bakers, but have never bought them.
So every time she post a Macaron in her place, I was like I do wish I could make them too.
But I never dared to try them as I have read so much horror story from lots of other bloggers ,that I was like I am sure not trying them.
Few days back when i was in a shop I bought a silcone mat saying now i will have to make them.
I don't think you need one, i used both, baking paper and silcon mat.
Both of them worked very well, except I might say in the silcon mat they came out much easier.
So in the end I gathered all my courage and ddecided to make them.
You should have seen my delight when i saw them baking in the oven and they were looking really nice, I with pure joy , really I did this, jumped up and down and clapped my hands.
Can you imagine a 40 year old doing ( well I hit 40 this May) and that just because her macarons were looking really good while they were baking.
I was glad hubby and daughter were not home otherwise hubby would have thought his wife was getting nuts and daughter, who really think as her mom who just got 40 and is on the way to old home, have in the end cracke up.
She really thinks 40 is old, for her mom, her father is much older than me but she thinks he is young and cool. I think daughters always sides with their dad.
I don't mind, i Love that fahter and daughter is having such a wonderful relation. For my daughter her dad is like god.
I guess i drifted for a moment from my Macarons :-)
Tartlette filled them with butter cream, but I was lazy to make them and did whipped cream with strawberry sauce.
Which was really light and yumm, but i woudn't do that next time, as you keep them for few hours they will get soggy.
So next time I am listening to Tartlette and make butter cream.
Must admitt I am really proud of my first macroons which I have made. It can get better in more practise, which I am sure going to do.
This is my entry for

Makes between 30 to 40 macarons
For the macarons shells:90 gr egg whites (about 3)
30 gr granulated
sugar200 gr powdered sugar
110 gr ground almonds
2 tablespoons red colour
For the whites: the day before (24hrs), separate your eggs and store the whites at room temperature in a covered container. If you want to use 48hrs (or more) egg whites, you can store them in the fridge.
In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites to a foam, gradually add the sugar until you obtain a glossy meringue. Do not overbeat your meringue or it will be too dry.
Combine the almonds and powdered sugar in a food processor and give them a good pulse until the nuts are finely ground.
Add them to the meringue, give it a quick fold to break some of the air and then fold the mass carefully until you obtain a batter that flows like lava or a thick ribbon. Give quick strokes at first to break the mass and slow down.
The whole process should not take more than 50 strokes.
Test a small amount on a plate: if the tops flattens on its own you are good to go. If there is a small beak, give the batter a couple of turns.
Fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip ,with the batter and pipe small rounds (1.5 inches in diameter) onto parchment paper or silicone mats lined baking sheets.
Sprinkle with the crushed sugar or violet petals. Preheat the oven to 280F.
Let the macarons sit out for 30 minutes to an hour to harden their shells a bit and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on their size. Let cool.
If you have trouble removing the shells, pour a couple of drops of water under the parchment paper while the sheet is still a bit warm and the macarons will lift up more easily do to the moisture. Don't let them sit there in it too long or they will become soggy.
Once baked and if you are not using them right away, store them in an airtight container out of the fridge for a couple of days or in the freezer.
To fill: pipe or spoon about 1 big tablespoon of butterceam in the center of one shell and top with another one.
Absolutely wonderful! These macaroons look absolutely professional with their little collar and all! Bravo!
At our place too the daughter-father relationship is very special - of course, I understand, I'm very close to my father too!
Wow HC...wat a gorgeous macaroons, i too need to try out macaroons since they are in my to do list...Ur first trial turned out awesome..Hope to see more macarons;)
Wonderful HC,they have come out perfect, I always think of trying macaroons but never got enough courage, your post has encouraged me to try them out, thanks!!
Wow they look super..Very nice color..
HC..Macaroon's have turned out so Good. Love the colour and Perfection!
hey they have come out lovely !
yummy ! i too go crazy when things get my way ! hubby has got used to my crazy behavior.. i understand father daughter relation as i'm also daddy's girl ! perfect entry for the click:stacks!
Those are beautiful macarons and that too on ur first try!! And I do think that your daughter and her dad are very lucky indeed to share that bond.
That's your first? Ok, if you insist! :) Lovely blog!
These are exquisite Happy Cook! Well done!! (I am still too scared to try making them.)
Wow, they are beautiful and look so perfect! Great job!
Wow! What lovely colour! And awesome macaroons!
wow, those turned out beautiful!
Macarons came out perfect..i make meringgue cookies like this without adding color..looks gorgeous ,perfect for the click contest...
As perfect looking as any!
Wow beautiful. They look very nice and yummy. Beautiful click.
Looks so good...
Love that pink color Happy..and congrats for getting those macaroons right...
They are so very beautiful that I kept staring at them in the Reader. Too cute, how could you eat them :D
They look perfect! Nice job!
looks deliocious & lovely photos
Fashion Deals For Less
Happy Cook they look amazing and lovelY!!!
Look absolutely perfect!!!
These are so beautiful! Such a pretty pink color!
Your first ever? wow...they are perfect. Never dared to make these!!
Wow, they're gorgeous. You can't see me, but I'm also clapping my hands in glee. I'll refrain from jumping, otherwise my neighbour downstairs will have problem sleeping. :)
I always look at Helen's macarons wondering, "Can I?"
What has age to do with this, btw? And that's double the encouragenment for me to try this soon. ;D
It's been on my "to do list" but I haven't dared so far!
These look so pretty - no wonder you were jumping with joy :)
That's so true about daughters and dads - whatever we do, their bond is always special.
These macaroons look wonderful, absolutely loved them and lovely color too :-)
Thankyou all for you wonderful comments, i loved reading allof them.
Aparna hi hi good that you didn't jump up and down and woke your downstair neighbours :-). Trt them you will love them. If i can make tham you as a daring baker can too.
really awesome!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Just beautiful! I am not even going to try this, sounds too difficult. will just enjoy looking at this beautiful work of art.
really funny post:-). belated bday to you.. i am may too:-) & it is possible & ok for a 40 yr old to clap hands & dance around:-) Can't say i am in my 20s.. & i still do that.
Great job! They look beautiful - and good for you for tackling an intimidating project!
They look so Sumptuous fresh and Delicious :)
Thanks for sharing your Macarons recipe:)
Join , post your recipe , stop by :)
Have a Wonderful Monday~~
They look perfect! I want to make macarons but have been too intimidated.
Looks very very beautiful. Love the nice pink color to it. Great... my daughter always supports me but I do not know how she will be when she grows up. I was always a daddy girl.
Oh, those macaroons are so pretty!! :) Love the pink color.
Awesome macaroons HC.... so perfect dear....very nice and so sweet colour..
oh wow. How impressive are these? I've always wanted to try baking macaroons, but always chickened out. Yours look pretty in pink, and absolutely perfect!
Your macarons are perfect! Bravo!
Wow! They look amazing.
yay! they look beautiful too!
I've made these before and they're so delicious! I lost the pictures I took of them though, so I never got a post on them up. :(
Wow!They look so pretty.First time here.
This looks so good. Loved the bright pink colour. Really good. Bookmarked!!
I love your photos with the strawberries in the red pot. Beautiful!
Like everybody here,I am too admiring those pretty macarons,I have seen those in Tartlette's blog too,I think in click entry ...
This is equally looking amazing:)
Wow wonderful and so light ...omg really feel to taste it...soooooooooooooooooo goood
Wow dear macaroons looks so perfect & that too for the first time .... Hats off to you ...
hats off, F! the macroons have come out well...very good click!
Hurrayyyyyyyyyy! they turn out to be perfectly gorgeous......Love that pretty pink color.......
Gorgeous wow what i can say so beautiful shape and color too. I never made Macaroons still in to do list. and thanks for this lovely recipe.
very pretty and the colour is beautiful..
wow..lovely color..yummy macarons..I just cant believe this is ur first looks soooo perfect..wonderful entry for the event!!
HOly cow!! Your macarons are beautiful!! I'm jealous, I must admit I have only tried one time making them and I never had the courage trying them again! You see what I did looked like cookies LOL! what a great entry for click, I'm still pondering what i'll do for my entry i hope i'll have time!
Looks all time fav one.Good one.
Wow oh Wow you are so way braver than I.
You should be very proud of your first macarons - they look super terrific to me.
You and I think and feel just alike on Tartlette ;) and her macarrons !!
Very neat your Happy Dance, I would have joined you.
Ha ha there was a time when I thought 40 was old to, now I think old is ... well it's got to be much older like maybe 140 would be old.
gorgeous macaroons...
What a cuties...looks so beautiful and yum...wonderful
absolutely perfect and looking beautiful. bookmarked it.
I would react exactly like you....crazily happy....well done!
Oooh, I love those adorable macaroons! They look so cute-- like big, pink buttons.
Wow happycook.
Love that detailed procedure.
Pictures are great.
Never tried before.
thanks for sharing.
wow ...looks beautiful
Wow, these look like you've been making macarons forever - fantastic! This show us what a brilliant cook you are!!
first ever and totally awesome,love the color:)
wow...for a person who is making these the first time...they look like amazing! Actually i would think a pro has made these..and i love pink.
Btw. i think you need to have a talk with your daughter...40 and old! C'mon :D..but i remem there was a time i thought 40 was those were the days :)
they look gorgeous like all your other treats
Thankyou all for you sweet comments.
I am so pleased how the macarons turned out. Hops you all will give it a try making this.
wow! gorgeous!!!
Congratulations Happy Cook. They look perfect. This is something waiting in my list to do ever since the Daring Bakers made them but I still do not feel confident to attempt and make them.
I would be jumping around in the happy mad state of mind too. Macaroons are one of things that I enjoyed eating while we lived in Bruxelles and miss them terribly here. It is one of my MUST make thingy's this summer. Yours looks awesome. You must be so proud.
vat a pretty color on ye macrons. the photography is stunning. you are so talented. keep up the great job and m loving ye blog very much.
I'm so jealous!! Mine was a total disaster. I can't wait to give it another go.
wow, they look absolutely amazing HC! just like those on Tartelette's blog:) I admire your drive to bake Macaroons at home; I don't think I can ever muster enough confidence:)
Looks yummy - I am sure they taste great too.
Wish I was there to have some.
am going to learn from your place!
looks so beautiful! nice to read abt your D and H, girls are like that, me too have one who thinks the same.. :)
WOW oh WOW H.C. those macaroons look absolutely gorgeous and your first time of making them - wow - you amaze me with your brilliant skills!!
The macaroons looks A++. Love it HC!
Have a happy vacation and enjoy your break.
P.S Dont even think twice about jumping in joy 40 or not. I personally think I will jump till I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and yeah one more thing - thanks for trying out the Zopf bread..I am glad that you liked them and also loved ur variation :)
Pink never looked tastier..these would be a hit with kids and adults alike.
I'm scared to death to make macarons!!! Yours look wonderful!!! Bravo!!
congrats! those macarons look like they were made by an expert!
Happened upon your blog.. Very refreshing! and i got a bunch of new strawberry recipes!. my hubby is done with this seasons strawberries. i hoping to revive his interest using some of your cool creations!
lovely macarons!! Keep posting!
I can see why you'd jump for joy...these macaroons look so perfect and so pretty.
First time on your blog...I loved the pink on your macaroons...They look warm and comforting and homely and invites a munch....Wish you could send me some packed in a lovely little basket!!! Keep dancing in joy and rocking!!!!
F, these are so pretty!...
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