Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Pavlova with Strawberries and Cherries

I am so so pleased how this dessert has turned out.
My family wsa really thrilled to see this on the coffee table as it looked so beautiful and it was really delcious.
This is one of the best Meringue I have made, got to recipe from one of the cooking shows from Channel 4 , I think it is called come and Dine with me or something like that.
Ofcourse you can uuse any fruits you want, I used strawberry and Cheries as they are in season now and ofcourse then i could send this for my .

4 egg white
225 castor sugar
1 1/2 tblsp vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour

For the filling.
1 tsp. unflavored gelatin
4 tsp. cold water
1 c. heavy whipping cream (at least 24 hours old and very cold)
Few tablspoon icing sugar
1/2 tsp. clear vanilla extract
Combine gelatin and cold water in small saucepan. Let stand until thick. Place over low heat, stirring constantly just until gelatin dissolves. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Whip cream, sugar and vanilla until slightly thickened. While beating slowly, gradually add gelatin to whipped cream mixture. Whip at high speed until stiff.

I use this method so that the cream doesn't go soft after a while.
You can also just whipp up the cream with sugar and vanilla and spread them too.
Line a baking trey with baking paper . Preheat the oven to 15°c.

Beat egg whites with untill foamy.
This is important , you should add the sugar spoon by spoon and then whipp the whites again .
Mix the vinegar with the corn flour and add to the eggwhite mixture together with the last spoon of sugar. Whipp till everthing is mixed well.

Draw a circle on the baking paper and spread the meringue . you should make a small pit in the middle with a spoon so that you can later fill them with the whipped cream.

Bake in the oven for 150°c for a hour.
After a hour off the oven, but leave the meringu to cool in the oven.
It should be fully cooled before you fill it up with the cream and the fruits.

Spread the whipped cream in the midlle , lavishly and decorats with strawberried and cherries or any fruit of your choice.
Keep in the fridge for a hour before you serve.
Tip I always make the meringue a day before and after they bake in the oven for a hour, I off the oven and just leave them in the oven till next day, when i use them.

I am going for a break till September . Tommorow is my daughter's Last exams and then it is 2 months of holidays.

So I am also taking a break from blog hopping as I know I woudn't have that much time to be near the computer.

I will post the Strawberry Feast Round up on Jully 1 st.

I have sheduled some 6 posts, but on the sheduled posts I will close the comment section.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer holidays and see you all in SEPTEMBER.


Parita said...

Pavlova looks wonderful HC, enjoy your break!

Prema Sundar said...

wow.. that looks delicious. its indeed a feast for the eyes...

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

Looks so lovely! I have a huge box of strawberries, but no courage to try this..
Have a great time off...

Anonymous said...

What a scrumptious Pavlova with strawberries and cherries! Have a wonderful time off and see you back in September! (sent you my entry for the strawberry feast! thanks!)

Raks said...

hat wud taste heavenly HC,Take care,enjoy your break!!

suvi said...

looks delicious HC!! enjoy your break...will really miss seeing you around. Hugs!!

kat said...

Gorgeous! have a nice holiday

Nithya Praveen said...

Pavlova is so gorgeous.I make these with Kiwi fruits...havent tried with Strawberries....great one.

Nithya Praveen said...

Not to forget...have fun in ur vacation!

Sharmila said...

Those snaps are feast for the eyes HC! :-)

Vrinda said...

That looks super super delish.HC..Enjoy ur break,i am gonna miss ur desserts........

Finla said...

Parita thankyou and i sure will enjoy the break.

Prema thankyou, i totally agree :-)

Home Cooked Oriya food try them you will be surprised they are really easy to make.

Natasha thankyou and will see you back in september , yeah i got the entry :-)

Rakh's Kitchen Thankyou.

aduadaze will miss you too.

Kat thankyou

Nithya I love it too with kiwis but then i use a different cream.

Sharmila thankyou

Vrinda thankyou and me too, will miss making the desserts as when it is holiday there is never seems to have time to bake.

Purva Desai said...

Colourful treat for the eyes......Its a difficult procedure and require lots of patients....

Rina said...

That looks so lovely...and enjoy your break..

Dewi said...

Beautiful! it's the perfect for the season, I just made mine as well. Haven't post it yet..

Unknown said...

Looks delicious. HC have a wonderful break and see you back in September.

Angie's Recipes said...

Pavlova!!! I do ANYTHING EVERYTHING for getting one chunk of that!

Me & More ... said...

Nice dear... Looks wonderful too...Take your break for vacation... and Enjoy too...:)

Anonymous said...

looks delicious...and enjoy your break :)


Ivy said...

Pavlova is a very easy dessert and so delicious. Yours looks beautiful.

nora@ffr said...

wow!! stunning photography.. yummm i love strawberries and cherries :) have a great time during ye break..

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Two month holiday ... what a grand idea ... maybe I should do that.
Have a wonderful time.

Beautiful Pavlova!!!

lissie said...

pavlova looks super delicious!
give me two days more,I will send you my entry...
enjoy your holidays!

Laavanya said...

Oh how pretty and rather simple too - i always like meringues.

Enjoy your break.

Manju said...

HC, that looks absolutely stunning!!!

Priyameena said...

Enjoy your Break...Pavola really tempted me...The fruits on top looks very fresh..

Kalai said...

I can imagine the joy of your husband and daughter! What a gorgeous dessert! I hope you have a wonderful vacation and will see you in September. :)

Sumi said...

lovely dessert.I have send in my entries today.enjoy your holidays

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love both strawberries and cherries.This screams heaven!!! Have a great time and see you in September!

TBC said...

You've been making some fantastic desserts with strawberries! :D

Srikitchen said...

looks so colorful n yum!
enjoy ur break!

Varsha Vipins said...

OMG..that looks amazing outa words..gorgeous..!!!

Anonymous said...

wowee! This is SO impressive!

Anshika said...

Yeah we all will be back again n again to gorge on your delicious desserts. This one seems so beautiful and tasty. A must try I think for small ones in the famliy.

Preeti Singh said...

hey it is looking so delightful and is tempting me alot....very nice presentation dear...

chef and her kitchen said...

They look wonderful...those fruits are teasing me...looks yummy..

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

This is beautiful, what a great dessert.

jayasree said...

Perfect feast for the eyes. Lovely presentation as usual. I will miss u..Do enjoy your break and come back with a bang.

Priya Suresh said...

Wowoow pavlova looks scrumptious..yet to try this..real feast for peoples like me..enjoy ur break HC..

Bombay-Bruxelles said...

Happy vacation to you too! If you come by to Brussels, don't forget to call on me :-)

lubnakarim06 said...

Enjoy your break....hope you have fun.......that looks divine.....

ARUNA said...

so perfect for a summer like this one!!!!

Shah cooks said...

going home? have a wonderful vacation. the pavlova looks great. i am not in a position to try it now but once i settle i surely will.

chakhlere said...

This is so yummy!!
I loved the snap very much!!
Cherries and strawberries look so fresh and juicy!! Just loved it!!

Gloria Baker said...

Happy waht lovely and nice dessert!!! georgeous!!!!love it!! Gloria

Unknown said...

i saw one pavlova recipe in martha stewarts show..looks so good..
have one strawberry feast for you..will post it tomorrow probably..

Ashwini said...

Wow looks so delicious with those fruits.. Tempting.. Have a wonderful time with your family..enjoy.

Unknown said...

Bellissima questa torta,commplimenti!!!1

Ashwini said...

lovely dessert.. never heard of it.. looks yum

Poornima Nair said...

Amazing desert...Pavlova looks awesome. Enjoy ur vacation.

foodcreate said...

What a Fabulous Dessert.

Thanks for sharing your recipe!


Have a great Day!

And you can visit me if I can visit you:)

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

Mmmm those cherries look so delish!

Samta said...

That looks like heven.
Hey HC - have a wonderful vacation.

Unknown said...

What a treat!! Looks lovely.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Have a great vacation!

Chibog in Chief said...

Oh My GOOOOOOOOOOness!! I almost fell from my chair when I saw your photos,....They loook soooo good!! I cant wait to try your recipe tomorrow!! yummy

Juliana said...

Pavlova...haven't had it for a while...the one that you made is just so pretty, love the color of the fruits all together...really a treat. No wonder all your family were happy. See you in September...and enjoy your time with your family.

amna said...

oh god!! all these strawberries and cherries in the blogs are making me feel depressed. i bought a box of 6 strawberries for 4 dollars here and it was gone in 2 mins!! imagine!!

Dori said...

Wow, very beautiful!

Red Chillies said...

I could not agree with your family more. It looks pretty and delicious.

Soma said...

I can just imagine how wonderful this must have tasted, & i wish i could have some for myself. the pictures are talking & calling my name too:-)

Unknown said...

It seems everyone is celebrating Summer days up there, while we are still warming up with hot chocolate and casserole :) lovely to see cheerful colours!

Vibaas said...

Looks divine. Yum Yum! :)

Dragon said...

Enjoy the break. We'll miss you. :)

Unknown said...

Yummy pics!! HC, have a great holiday with your family!! take care...

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

hey! your comment on my blog won you a coupon for a free bag of popchips! send me an email with your address and I'll stick it in the mail for you. :)

Linda said...

Dearest HC,

Here I come back to the blogs and you're going off on holiday! I wish you a wonderful, fun-filled summer :)

Strawberry Pavlova looks too good for words... you should take this time off to write a dessert cookbook!

Look forward to seeing you in September -- and enjoy the summer :)


♥Rosie♥ said...

H.C. pavlova looks the fantastic!! I watch that show Come Dine With Me too :0)

Have a lovely break and we'll be here for you on your return sweetie.

Thistlemoon said...

I love pavlova! These look great! Have a great vacation!

notyet100 said...

u r so good with berries thy look so yum,..

Sia said...

hope u r having gr8 time HC :) said...

Pavlova looks so Delicious!!!Its so yummy..Wish I could have a piece right now...Beautiful click!

Sook said...

Looks soooo good! I love strawberries... I will have to make that sometime. Thanks!

Priyanka Agrawal said...


Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Your picture looks gorgeous. Honestly, all I can think is that I can only look and not eat that. :(
Have a wonderful holiday. See you in September.

Bong Mom said...

Ok done, I am moving to Belgium :) Shyama's exams over ?

Cilantro said...

Looks too delicious Happycook. Hope you get better soon.Wili wait for the roundup.

Usha said...

This looks lovely ! Enjoy your break...

Premyscakes said...

looks so refreshing.

AnuSriram said...

That looks lovely! I could not take my eyes off the pavlova... Wish i could have some... Have a wonderful time with your daughter! Enjoy!

Anupama said...

That is one mind blowing Pavlova

Nithu said...

What a delightful dessert it is. Mouth watering. I wish i had some here.

Peter M said...

Happy, this is a beautiful marriage of strawberries and cherries...equally delicious!

Pavithra Elangovan said...

Wow looks so yummy...and divine.. wish to have it..

Lisa Turner said...

You will be missed! Enjoy your break.

Anonymous said...

It looks yummy.Have a nice day.


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